
Maxim Leipzig


Maxim is 40 years old and from Leipzig, Germany.

He grew up near Erfurt in Thuringia. He was already fascinated by urban and deserted places during his commercial training. He experimented with his first camera and captured the unique light moods in the picture. Today, Maxim works in fashion sales alongside his photography. The creative work inspires him and creates new ideas for his photo projects. Together with Sven von Pfingstberg, he has been realising a fetish calendar for 5 years. The motifs are taken in unusual places and tell little stories. Together with the BLF and Folsom Berlin, the current campaign for Folsom Streetflair was created with BS.Biker as the model.

In addition to voluntary prevention projects, Maxim has been supporting the Berlin fetish scene for 12 years. We are happy to present one of our pictures at the More PiXXX.

Maxim Leipzig – Von Pfingstberg


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